Thinking about writing a diary? Been writing a blog for a few time currently and have however to determine any growth (and by “growth” I mean “increased pageviews”)? Over the past ten years I’ve refined my blogging skills—that’s right, I started my initial diary back in 2001 and it’s therefore embarrassing by today’s standards that I’m virtually unwilling to link to that … virtually. Blogs for writers square measure all over, and there’s usually sensible recommendation on them regarding writing a diary. There’s conjointly lots of not-so-good recommendation. It is frustrating.
Now I presently run many eminent blogs, as well as The lifetime of begetter and this on-line editor diary. It’s been a challenge juggling them however, by projected to those twelve specific dos and don’ts of writing a diary that I’ve developed over my years of expertise, I’ve been ready to establish growth (increased pageviews). I hope they will assist you find out how to jot down a decent diary too.
When Writing a diary Do …
Find your focus.
To do this, you want to initial raise yourself this question: World Health Organization square measure your target readers? Once that’s settled, you’ll point on a distinct segment class (like this one focuses on writing) and be the knowledgeable on that.
Be relatable, be yourself.
What sets bloggers aside from news article feeds is voice. Let your readers get to grasp you. [Like this quote? Click here to Tweet and share it!] Your content is what attracts them in whereas your temperament, or your voice in writing, is what is going to keep them there.
Use links inside your posts.
Whether you’re linking to alternative blogs or websites that contain nice info or linking to past posts on your own web site, pair whenever you’ll. this can facilitate not solely increase your clicks however conjointly facilitate along with your blog’s programme rankings.
Include pictures.
While readers come back to your diary for info and temperament, they conjointly have to be compelled to be aroused visually. Not all posts can lend themselves to a picture, however once they do, cash in of it. Here’s some recommendation on finding free on-line pictures that you simply will use.
Respond to diary comments.
This is a chance to attach directly with the those who square measure reading your work. Not all comments want a response, however make sure to retort to ones that do. And generally it’s value simply sound on and posting “Thanks for reading my diary.”
Post to Facebook, Twitter, Google+ and anyplace Else you’ll.
Don’t be afraid to use social media to tout your posts. something that creates it easier for potential readers to seek out your diary could be a should (and friends and family positively qualify as potential readers).
When Writing a diary Don’t …
Set unrealistic  Goals.
You know your schedule and talents higher than anyone else, therefore don’t decide to post on a daily basis if you can’t. begin out by posting weekly and acquire during a groove. As you contour your method, increase your posting if you’ll.
Limit your word count.
If you’ve got one thing to mention, say it. Readers (and search engines) value more highly to get meatier items (500 words or more) to create clicking through value their time. This doesn’t mean you can’t feature shorter items or {that you|that you simply|that you simply} ought to ramble just to satisfy a word count, however don’t be afraid to interrupt down antediluvian perceptions that blogs have to be compelled to be short. once the time is true, go long.
Make descriptive linguistics mistakes.
And, if you do, correct them straight off. people on the net tend to be additional lenient regarding typos, therefore don’t stress regarding it if you are doing build a blunder. however correct it as shortly as you’ll. Remember, if you ever need readers to require you seriously, you’ve got to require yourself (and your blog) seriously. provides it the skilled quality it deserves.
Be negative.
It’s typically unwise to air personal grievances in public (unless, of course, that’s the theme of your blog). You’ll go plenty any by being positive, sacred and corroboratory to the community that you’re writing to.
Write long paragraphs.
Long blocks of text square measure arduous for readers to digest, particularly once reading on computers and tablets. cut your content into shorter paragraphs, bullet points and lists whenever doable. Also, if you can, add some subheads.
Avoid making an attempt new things.
It’s vital to let your diary evolve over time, and also the solely approach this may happen is that if you are taking risks each once in for a while. whether or not it’s adding infographs or personal stories or guest bloggers, ne’er be afraid to undertake one thing new. If you’re feeling it will add one thing special to your diary, try it.